Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique focusing on aligning and harmonizing the energy centers (Chakras) in our body. A Reiki Master channels universal life energy to activate the natural healing processes of the body and mind, helping the client find peace and balance by removing blockages and restoring the free flow of energy. The client can experience improved physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Hypnotherapy is hypnosis therapy. Hypnosis allows for positive changes in our life by gaining access to the subconscious mind where belief systems and internal programing is stored, much like computer software programs. Hypnosis allows the client to release, refine, redefine, or import new beliefs, ideas, and perspectives without resistance. Essentially, changing, deleting, or upgrading the software. Hypnosis is a great tool for creating new perspectives, beliefs, and behaviors that not only empower the client, but benefits the client by enhancing the peace and fulfillment they experience in their life.
Regression therapy is an effective hypnotherapy for the client to gain understanding of the root cause of an issue or problem. Root causes are sometimes found in traumatic experiences from our recent past, our childhood, or even from another lifetime. Regression therapy can quickly address and affect change of self-limiting beliefs and/or skewed perspectives the client has created about themselves and/or the circumstances surrounding the trauma they experienced.
Life Coaching can assist in the growth and healing of a client in areas such as: Relationships, Emotional Difficulties, Addiction, Depression, Anger Management, Self-Esteem, and Anxiety. I provide a nonjudgmental, empathetic, and safe space while working to help the client find peace, stability, and fulfillment in their life.
House Clearing involves using a spiritual energy method to cleanse negative energetic disturbances in the home and property. The clearing and cleansing can involve removing negative disruptive spirit(s) that are attached to the space.